Resources listing


Implementation of the National Strategy for the Demilitarisation of Prisons in the Central African Republic

In January 2019, the Central African Republic (CAR) approved a “National Strategy for the Demilitarisation of Prison Establishments“, developed in partnership with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) and Penal Reform International (PRI). Following its adoption, the National Demilitarisation Strategy was incorporated into the Justice Sector Policy 2020-2024. […]

Languages: English, French


COVID-19 პანდემიის გრძელვადიანი გავლენა პატიმრებისა და ციხის პერსონალის უფლებრივ მდგომარეობაზე

დოკუმენტი წარმოადგენს კვლევის ანგარიშს, რომელიც მოამზადა ორგანიზაციამ „პრევენცია პროგრესისთვის“, ორგანიზაცია „ციხის საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციასთან“ ერთობლივი პროექტის ფარგლებში. კვლევის ფარგლებში შესწავლილ იქნა საქართველოს პენიტენციურ სისტემაში პანდემიით გამოწვეულ კრიზისზე რეაგირების პრაქტიკა, ასევე მისი გრძელვადიანი გავლენა პატიმართა და ციხის პერსონალის უფლებრივ მდგომარეობაზე. კვლევა ჩატარდა ევროკავშირის მიერ დაფინანსებული პროექტის „პოსტ-პანდემიური ვითარების მონიტორინგი პენიტენციურ სისტემაში“ ფარგლებში, რომელსაც ადმინისტრირებას უწევს „ნიდერლანდების ჰელსინკის […]

Languages: Georgian

Annual Report

Annual Report 2022

This Annual Report outlines the impact of our work and achievements in 2022, including: In 2022 we supported national authorities, civil society and other stakeholders across 15 countries in five regions to bring change so that ultimately the human rights of people in contact with criminal justice systems are better protected.  We put people at […]

Languages: English


Global Prison Trends annual series

Global Prison Trends is PRI's annual flagship series. Published every year since 2015, the series identifies topical developments and challenges in criminal justice and prison policy and practice, and contributes to the monitoring of crime trends and operations of criminal justice systems.

Languages: English


Guidance document on the European Prison Rules

The European Prison Rules, adopted by the Council of Europe, set out standards on the management of prisons and the treatment of people in prison. They apply in all Council of Europe member States and provide critical guidance to prison staff on how to protect and safeguard the human rights of people in prison – […]

Languages: English

Annual Report

Annual Report 2021

PRI’s Annual Report outlines the impact of our work and achievements in 2021 nationally, regionally and internationally. Highlights in 2021 included: Publication of the Global Prison Trends 2021, in partnership with the Thailand Institute of Justice (our annual flagship publication); 17 expert blogs, covering topics from period poverty in prison to corporal punishment in penal systems, […]

Languages: English


Event: Global Prison Trends 2022

Global Prison Trends is Penal Reform International’s annual flagship report, published with the Thailand Institute of Justice, identifying the key trends and challenges in prison systems worldwide. Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, despite repeated calls to reduce prison populations since the onset of the crisis, the global prison population has reached an all-time high. Global […]

Languages: Arabic, English


Good governance for prisons during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic

This guide is based on research into the COVID-19 justice response around the world, including a particular focus on the responses in Kenya and Kazakhstan. The analysis examines the elements of justice system governance which enabled the sector to react quickly and effectively to the COVID-19 pandemic in prisons as well as the factors which inhibited timely, relevant responses. The guide aims to inform better governance in any future crisis situations, as well as the direction of penal reform more broadly.

Languages: English


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-custodial sanctions and measures: Summary report of a comparative study in Member States of the European Union

In order to reduce prison populations to manage the spread of COVID-19, many states turned to the use of non-custodial sanctions and measures and the adoption of early or emergency release schemes. While the impact of the pandemic on prisons has been well documented, it is less clear how COVID-19 and the different measures governments […]

Languages: English, French

Model for Reform

10-point plan: crisis-ready non-custodial sanctions and measures

Probation agencies and others supporting the use and implementation of non-custodial sanctions and measures have been significantly impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and measures adopted by criminal justice systems and governments in combatting the spread of the virus in prisons and communities at large. While the focus has often been on mitigating the extreme […]

Languages: English, French, Russian, Spanish