
Trainer’s Manual: Introduction to the Nelson Mandela Rules International Training Programme

This publication has been developed to guide trainers leading 4-day in-person training courses for prison staff designed by the OSCE’s Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and Penal Reform International (PRI) in partnership with the Swedish Prison and Probation Service (SPPS) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). This manual […]

Manual for practitioners: Promoting non-discrimination in the application and delivery of non-custodial sanctions and measures

This manual aims to assist criminal justice practitioners to ensure that community-based measures are used effectively and do not discriminate against minority or marginalised groups, or those that experience vulnerability in the criminal justice system due to specific personal characteristics, background or circumstances. It highlights key international standards and practical challenges in delivering criminal sanctions and […]

Training workshop on community sanctions for women offenders

As part of a pioneering, multifaceted project that focused on the experiences of women completing non-custodial sentences in Kenya, a half-day workshop for probation officers and relevant stakeholders was produced. The module aims to sensitise stakeholders regarding the specific background and situation of women offenders, and demonstrate how social enquiries, pre-sentence reports and the supervision of community sanctions […]

Handbooks for probation in Tunisia

These Handbooks for NGOs, lawyers and judges were developed within a project on probation in Tunisia, funded by the US Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). The ‘NGO Handbook on Probation and Crime Prevention’ follows up on a series of training workshops and debates on the importance of restorative justice and alternative sanctions for […]

Обучение участников общественного контроля Мест содержания под стражей россии

Учебная программа ориентирована на подготовку участников независимого контроля (членов региональных общественных наблюдательных комиссий, Общественных Советов при МВД и ФСИН МЮ Российской Федерации) в оценке и помощи в условиях и обращения и содержания уязвимых групп из числа правонарушителей, находящихся в местах содержания под стражей. A training curriculum for members of Public Monitoring Commissions in the Russian Federation for the assessment […]

Women in Detention: putting the Bangkok Rules into practice (e-course)

Who are the women in prison – what are their backgrounds, how did they end up in prison? How does prison impact women differently than men? Why do women prisoners have higher rates of mental health issues? How can prisons respond to these? These are some of the questions that PRI’s free e-course on women […]

دليل إعداد الموازنة الصديقة للطفل

إن المنظمة الدولية للإصلاح الجنائي ووزارة العدل ومن خلال مشروعها حول تعزيز أنظمة عدالة الأطفال في الأردن الممول من الاتحاد الأروبي قد أجريت تحليلاً لموازنة وزارة العدل وعقدت مجموعة من الفعاليات التدريبية والنقاشية حول مبادئ إعداد الموازنات الموجهة بالأهداف والصديقة للأطفال وطورت من خلال خبرائها هذا الدليل الذي نضعه بين أيدي العاملين في مجال التخطيط […]