Resources listing


Movie on Penal Reform in Georgia / ფილმი საქართველოში პენიტენციური სისტემის რეფორმის შესახებ

დოკუმენტური ფილმი პენიტენციური სისტემის რეფორმაზე მომზადდა „თომა ჩაგელიშვილის სტუდიის“ მიერ ევროკავშირის მიერ დაფინანსებული პროექტის – „სასჯელაღსრულებისა და პრობაციის რეფორმების ხელშეწყობა და მონიტორინგი სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ჩართულობით“  ფარგლებში, რომელსაც ახორციელებს ორგანიზაცია “ციხის საერთაშორისო რეფორმა” პარტნიორ ორგანიზაციებთან – “ინიციატივა მოწყვლადი ჯგუფების რეაბილიტაციისათვის” და “ადამიანის უფლებათა ცენტრი” ერთად. პროექტის გუნდი განსაკუთრებულ მადლობას უხდის ევროკავშირს იმ ფინანსური და ტექნიკური მხარდაჭერისთვის, […]

Languages: English, Georgian


Videos: World Congress on Justice for Children

From 28–30 May 2018, Penal Reform International, led by the Middle East and North Africa office, co-hosted the World Congress on Justice for Children in Paris. The Congress brought together around 1000 experts and young people from 97 countries to discuss how to strengthen child-friendly justice systems and tackle challenges, including the recruitment of children […]

Languages: English


Videos: Promoting gender-specific treatment of women prisoners and offenders in Kenya

These five short films consisting of a number of interviews with prison and probation staff in Kenya, as well as PRI staff, highlight the specific challenges that women offenders face in Kenya, and the importance of incorporating a gender-sensitive approach using the UN Bangkok Rules. Since 2015, PRI has been delivering a programme of ‘Training of […]

Languages: English


Podcast: California’s prison gang problem: the role of prison size

In recent decades, there has been a noticeable trend towards larger prisons of 1,000 prisoners plus. In the USA, the trend has been particularly prevalent – with around 3,500 prisoners per prison in California for example, but other countries have followed a similar path. In this expert blog for PRI, David Skarbek, Senior Lecturer in […]

Languages: English


‘Equal justice’: making community sanctions work for women in Kenya

This short film highlights the benefits for but also the challenges experienced by women serving Community Service and Probation Orders in Kenya. Accompanies our report: Community service and probation for women: a study in Kenya. A short survey with four questions about how you found this film will appear on this page after you have finished watching. […]

Languages: English


Podcast: The Dutch experience − innovating practice to support foreign national prisoners

Worldwide more than a half a million foreign nationals are detained abroad. While entitled to assistance under international law, in practice only a few countries provide assistance to their nationals. One of these is The Netherlands. However, uniquely, as well as assistance provided by diplomatic staff, Dutch citizens detained abroad can also receive regular visits from ex-patriate […]

Languages: English


Podcast: How to build a prison compliant with human rights norms

To fill the gap between international norms and the relative lack of information on how to build a compliant prison in difficult circumstances, UNOPS recently developed a Technical Guidance for Prison Planning document that facilitates a human rights-based approach in the development of prison infrastructure. This blog post by Gordon Nuttall and Pedja Jurisic (UNOPS) […]

Languages: English


Podcast: Nourish – thinking about food in prison

In many countries, prison food is insufficient in quantity and quality. Budgets are low (less than 0.5 USD per prisoner per day according to data recently gathered by PRI) and there have been cases where prisoners have died from starvation. In higher-income countries, food is more available but still may not be ‘of nutritional value […]

Languages: English


The Nelson Mandela Rules: an animated introduction

In this two-minute animation, we explain the revised UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules), what they include, and what they mean for prison management. Watch the animation in: Arabic Armenian: Правила Манделы -Краткое введение (Армянский) Georgian: მანდელას წესები – ანიმაციური მიმოხილვა Portuguese: As Regras de Nelson Mandela: uma introdução – with thanks […]

Languages: English


Արդյո՞ք ազատազրկումը միշտ լավագույն լուծումն է

ՄԲԲ կազմակերպության անիմացիոն հոլովակը ցույց է տալիս ազատազրկումը ոչ արդարացված կիրառելու բացասական հետևանքներն ամբողջ աշխարհում և այլընտրանքային պատիժների կարևորությունը։ Other languages: English, Español, Français, Русский, العربية, ქართული.

Languages: Armenian