Resources listing


უვადო თავისუფლებააღკვეთილ და მაღალი რისკის პატიმართა უფლებრივი მდგომარეობა პენიტენციურ სისტემაში/Rights of Lifers and High-Risk Prisoners in the Penitentiary System

The publication has been produced by Institute of Democracy and Safe Development (IDSD) within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office together with its partner organizations – Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups […]

Languages: English, Georgian


უმცირესობების და უცხო ქვეყნის მოქალაქეების უფლებრივი მდგომარეობა პენიტენციურ სისტემაში/Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the Penitentiary System

The publication has been produced by Article 42 of the Constitution within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office together with its partner organizations – Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups and Human […]

Languages: English, Georgian


Living Conditions in Prisons/საყოფაცხოვრებო პირობები პენიტენციურ სისტემაში – Desk Research/სამაგიდე კვლევა

The publication has been produced by Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups (Author: Natalia Tsagareli) within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office. Infrastructure and living conditions of penitentiary establishments are of great […]

Languages: English, Georgian


Risk Assessment and Classification of Prisoners/მსჯავრდებულთა კლასიფიკაცია და რისკების შეფასება პენიტენციურ სისტემაში – Desk Research/სამაგიდე კვლევა

The publication has been produced by Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups (Author: Bakar Metreveli) within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office. The important function of the penitentiary system is the classification […]

Languages: English, Georgian


Educational and Rehabilitation Process in Prison/საგანმანათლებლო და სარეაბილიტაციო პროცესი პენიტენციურ სისტემაში – Desk Research/სამაგიდე კვლევა

The publication has been produced by Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups (Author: Anton (Tato) Kelbakiani) within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office. Rehabilitation and re-socialization of persons in conflict with the […]

Languages: English, Georgian


Contact of Prisoners with the Outside World/გარე სამყაროსთან კონტაქტი – Desk Research/სამაგიდე კვლევა

The publication has been produced by Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups (Author: Natalia Tsagareli) within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office. Contact with the outside world is of great importance to […]

Languages: English, Georgian


Complaints Mechanism in the Penitentiary System/გასაჩივრების მექანიზმი პენიტენციურ სისტემაში – Desk Research/სამაგიდე კვლევა

The publication has been produced by Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups (Author: Bakar Metreveli) within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office. The accused/convicted person has the right to make a request […]

Languages: English, Georgian


Disciplinary Proceedings in the Penitentiary System/დისციპლინური საქმისწარმოება პენიტენციურ სისტემაში – Desk Research/სამაგიდე კვლევა

The publication has been produced by Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups (Author: Bakar Metreveli) within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office. The behaviour of the accused and convicted persons, as well […]

Languages: English, Georgian


Healthcare in the Penitentiary System/სამედიცინო მომსახურეობა პენიტენციურ სისტემაში – Desk Research/სამაგიდე კვლევა

The publication has been produced by Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups (Author: Merab Kavtaradze) within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office. The studies and reports of 2014-2017 discuss number of issues […]

Languages: English, Georgian


Prison Staff/ციხის პერსონალი – Desk research/სამაგიდე კვლევა

The publication has been produced by Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups (Author: Natalia Tsagareli) within the framework of the EU funded project “Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting Penal Reforms through the Engagement of CSOs” which is implemented by Penal Reform International South Caucasus Regional Office. In order to ensure the optimal management of the prison, […]

Languages: English, Georgian