Resources listing


Event: Health and HIV in prisons: Effective strategies to address urgent needs

Side event at the 66th Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). Organised by Penal Reform International, supported by Belgium, Brazil, Czechia, Mexico, Sweden, UNODC HIV/AIDS Section and the International Drug Policy Consortium. This was a hybrid event held in Vienna and online on 17 March 2023. Prison populations globally present complex healthcare […]

Languages: English

Public Statement

The Cape Declaration on Decriminalising Poverty and Status 

The Cape Declaration on Decriminalising Poverty and Status was drafted and adopted by consensus by the participants of the convening of the Campaign to Decriminalise Poverty and Status, of which PRI is part of, held in Stellenbosch, South Africa between 27 and 29 September 2022. The Cape Declaration calls attention to, and requests urgent, comprehensive and global action […]

Languages: Arabic, English, French, Portuguese


Manual for practitioners: Promoting non-discrimination in the application and delivery of non-custodial sanctions and measures

This manual aims to assist criminal justice practitioners to ensure that community-based measures are used effectively and do not discriminate against minority or marginalised groups, or those that experience vulnerability in the criminal justice system due to specific personal characteristics, background or circumstances. It highlights key international standards and practical challenges in delivering criminal sanctions and […]

Languages: English


Deaths in prison: Examining causes, responses, and prevention

Mortality rates are up to 50% higher in prison than in the community, linked to a wide range of causes and contributing factors which raise serious concerns for human rights, public health, and prison management. This briefing is a call to action for the international community and national actors to strengthen their approach to deaths in prisons, to take pro-active measures to prevent loss of life and, when deaths do occur, to respond appropriately to identify any systemic concerns and prevent future harm.

Languages: English

Annual Report

Annual Report 2021

PRI’s Annual Report outlines the impact of our work and achievements in 2021 nationally, regionally and internationally. Highlights in 2021 included: Publication of the Global Prison Trends 2021, in partnership with the Thailand Institute of Justice (our annual flagship publication); 17 expert blogs, covering topics from period poverty in prison to corporal punishment in penal systems, […]

Languages: English


Technical brief: Transgender people and HIV in prisons and other closed settings

Transgender people often experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, including in criminal justice systems. Evidence indicates that such marginalisation, criminalisation and discrimination can lead to greater vulnerability to and risk of long-term mental and physical health issues, including increased risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and experience of sexual assault. This technical […]

Languages: English


Event: Global Prison Trends 2022

Global Prison Trends is Penal Reform International’s annual flagship report, published with the Thailand Institute of Justice, identifying the key trends and challenges in prison systems worldwide. Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, despite repeated calls to reduce prison populations since the onset of the crisis, the global prison population has reached an all-time high. Global […]

Languages: Arabic, English


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-custodial sanctions and measures: Summary report of a comparative study in Member States of the European Union

In order to reduce prison populations to manage the spread of COVID-19, many states turned to the use of non-custodial sanctions and measures and the adoption of early or emergency release schemes. While the impact of the pandemic on prisons has been well documented, it is less clear how COVID-19 and the different measures governments […]

Languages: English, French

Model for Reform

10-point plan: crisis-ready non-custodial sanctions and measures

Probation agencies and others supporting the use and implementation of non-custodial sanctions and measures have been significantly impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and measures adopted by criminal justice systems and governments in combatting the spread of the virus in prisons and communities at large. While the focus has often been on mitigating the extreme […]

Languages: English, French, Russian, Spanish


Country reports on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-custodial sanctions and measures

In-depth country reports on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use, implementation and experience of non-custodial sanctions and measures in Georgia, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan and Portugal, including preparations for release from prison and experiences of staff and those under probation supervision. These reports were published with the financial support of the International Penal and Penitentiary […]

Languages: Kyrgyz, Hungarian, English, Georgian, Portuguese, Russian