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საპატიმრო და ალტერნატიული აღკვეთის ღონისძიებებისა და სასჯელების გამოყენების სასამართლო პრაქტიკა საქართველოში

დოკუმენტი მომზადებულია დემოკრატიისა და მართლმსაჯულების ინტიტუტისა და ციხის საერთაშორისო რეფორმის ურთიერთანამშრომლობით, ევროკავშირის მიერ დაფინანსებული პროექტის „COVID-19-ის სოლიდარობის პროგრამა 2020-2022 PRIS-20-03“ ფარგლებში, რომელსაც ადმინისტრირებას უწევს „ნიდერლანდების ჰელსინკის კომიტეტი“ კვლევის შედეგად გამოვლინდა, რომ უკანასკნელი წლების განმავლობაში განხორციელებულ საკანონმდებლო, პოლიტიკისა და პრაქტიკის რეფორმებს მნიშვნელოვანი შედეგები აქვს მოტანილი, თუმცა მაინც რჩება გამოწვევები როგორც აღკვეთის ღონისძიებების, ისე სასჯელების გამოყენების ნაწილში, […]

Languages: Georgian

Annual Report

Annual Report 2022

This Annual Report outlines the impact of our work and achievements in 2022, including: In 2022 we supported national authorities, civil society and other stakeholders across 15 countries in five regions to bring change so that ultimately the human rights of people in contact with criminal justice systems are better protected.  We put people at […]

Languages: English


Global Prison Trends annual series

Global Prison Trends is PRI's annual flagship series. Published every year since 2015, the series identifies topical developments and challenges in criminal justice and prison policy and practice, and contributes to the monitoring of crime trends and operations of criminal justice systems.

Languages: English


Event: Deaths in prison: understanding and reducing preventable loss of life

Side event at the 32nd Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Organised by Penal Reform International, supported by Brazil and Finland.  In 2019, the UN reported that mortality rates in prisons were 50% higher compared to the wider community. This is linked to a wide range of causes and contributing factors which raise […]

Languages: English


Event: Justice for all: Global Action to Combat Discrimination and Inequality in Criminal Justice Systems

Side event at the 32nd Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Organised by the International Legal Foundation with support of South Africa, United States, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Campaign to Decriminalise Poverty and Status, Penal Reform International, Amnesty International, International Drug Policy Consortium, African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum, […]

Languages: Arabic, English, French, Portuguese


Event: Gender and imprisonment: Experience and recommendations in addressing health needs

Side event at the 32nd Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Organised by UNODC HIV/AIDS Section, supported by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Penal Reform International, International Drug Policy Consortium, and the Permanent Missions of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, EU, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Mexico, […]

Languages: English


Children’s rights and state of emergency

This new brochure on children’s rights has been developed to raise awareness among both children and adults about children’s rights and responsibilities, as well as the role of adults in upholding them. The brochure includes information on actions to take in case of a child’s detention. The brochure was created as part of the project […]

Languages: Kazakh, Russian


Guidance document on the European Prison Rules

The European Prison Rules, adopted by the Council of Europe, set out standards on the management of prisons and the treatment of people in prison. They apply in all Council of Europe member States and provide critical guidance to prison staff on how to protect and safeguard the human rights of people in prison – […]

Languages: English


Discussion guide: Roma and non-custodial sanctions

This discussion guide sets out findings from an exploratory study on Roma persons’ access to and experience of non-custodial sanctions and measures in Europe. It is published as part of the project ‘PRI Alt Eur: Promoting non-discriminatory alternatives to imprisonment in Europe’, and is based on desk-based research, including a survey among probation experts in […]

Languages: English


Event: Health and HIV in prisons: Effective strategies to address urgent needs

Side event at the 66th Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). Organised by Penal Reform International, supported by Belgium, Brazil, Czechia, Mexico, Sweden, UNODC HIV/AIDS Section and the International Drug Policy Consortium. This was a hybrid event held in Vienna and online on 17 March 2023. Prison populations globally present complex healthcare […]

Languages: English