
Мониторинг на насилието над деца в местата за лишаване от свобода – слепи петна в областта на закрилата

Смята се, че повече от 10 000 деца в Европа са задържани по наказателноправни причини. В световен мащаб броят на децата, лишени от свобода в затвори или в места за предварително задържане, варира между 160 000 и 250 000 дневно през 2018 г. Безопасността на тези деца е от първостепенно значение, включително защитата от физическо […]

Silvia Randazzo21st December 2023

Monitorizarea violenței împotriva copiilor aflați în detenție – un punct slab în sistemul de protecție a copilului?

Se estimează că peste 10 000 de copii se află în detenție în Europa din motive legate de justiția penală. La nivel mondial, numărul copiilor din închisori sau din centre de arest preventiv a variat între 160.000 și 250.000 în 2018. Siguranța acestor copii și protecția lor împotriva violenței fizice sau psihice sunt esențiale. În […]

Silvia Randazzo29th November 2023

Monitoring violence against children in detention – a safeguarding blindspot?

A hidden crisis: More than 10,000 children in Europe face the risk of violence in criminal justice-related detention. Explore the alarming global statistics and join expert Silvia Randazzo in a deep dive into research conducted as part of the Data MOSAIC project, shedding light on the safeguarding blindspot of violence against children in detention.

Silvia Randazzo18th November 2023

Restorative, teen-administered juvenile justice past and present

While 261,200 children are estimated to be in detention globally, child-specific justice legislation, child-friendly courts and specialised procedures continue to divert children away from the criminal justice system and contribute to a decrease in the number of children in prison in many countries. In this blog, Milana Carse examines teen courts in the US as […]

Milana Carse9th May 2023

10 años despues, “Yo tengo algo que decir”: Las niñas, niños y adolescentes con referentes adultos privados de libertad alzan su voz

Read this blog in English Las niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNA) con un progenitor o un referente adulto privado de libertad[1]continúan siendo las víctimas olvidadas del encarcelamiento. Sus derechos y bienestar se ven afectados en cada una de las etapas del proceso penal de su familiar aunque a menudo esto no es tenido en cuenta […]

Lía Fernández10th February 2022

Over-policing of Aboriginal children in Australia: A system that criminalises Aboriginal children

One of the themes of this year’s World Congress on Justice With Children is systemic racism and the disproportionate criminalisation of Indigenous children. The UN Global study on children deprived of liberty stated that young indigenous people are over-represented in many justice systems, a trend which has increased over recent years. In the sixth blog in our series for the World Congress on Justice with Children, Andreea Lachsz, Head of Policy, Communications and Strategy at the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, outlines the situation in Australia and how they are working to address such discrimination. 

Andreea Lachsz22nd November 2021

Unearthing the facts about children facing the most severe penalties in Pakistan

Children in many countries continue to be sentenced to the death penalty and life imprisonment, often under outdated colonial laws and in violation of their rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In the fifth blog of our series for the World Congress on Justice with Children, Sarmad Ali discusses research undertaken by Legal Awareness Watch (LAW) Pakistan to understand the situation of children in prison facing these most severe penalties.

Sarmad Ali11th November 2021

Abolishing life imprisonment for children: A battle that’s not won yet

Life imprisonment of children is on the decline. Since 2008, five countries have abolished life imprisonment as a criminal sentence for children entirely and in many countries where it remains, fewer children are serving these sentences. In the fourth blog of our series for the World Congress on Justice with Children, Leo Ratledge from Child Rights International Network (CRIN) looks at where this sentence still exists and the role that legal advocacy has played in the movement to abolish the practice.

Leo Ratledge8th November 2021

10 years on, “I have something to say”: Children with incarcerated parents raise their voices

Children with a parent in prison are forgotten victims of imprisonment whose rights and welfare are affected at every stage of their parent’s detention – yet they often remain invisible in criminal justice systems. In the third blog of our series for the World Congress on Justice with Children, 10 years after the Committee on the Rights of the Child held a Day of General Discussion and issued recommendations on children of incarcerated parents, Lía Fernández discusses efforts to raise the voices of children and adolescents with a parent or relative in prison in Latin America and the Caribbean – and what they have to say.

Lía Fernández4th November 2021