
10-point plan: crisis-ready non-custodial sanctions and measures

Probation agencies and others supporting the use and implementation of non-custodial sanctions and measures have been significantly impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and measures adopted by criminal justice systems and governments in combatting the spread of the virus in prisons and communities at large. While the focus has often been on mitigating the extreme […]

10-point plan: Gender-sensitive drug policies for women

The number of women and girls in prison, estimated to be more than 740,000, is increasing: between 2010 and 2020 there was a 17 per cent increase globally. Punitive drug policies are known to be a key driver of rising prison populations and to have a particular and disproportionate impact on women. Drawing on the […]

Guidance Document on the Nelson Mandela Rules

Produced by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and Penal Reform International (PRI), this document provides guidance for implementing the revised UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, known as the UN Nelson Mandela Rules. The Guidance Document is the result of a joint project by ODIHR and PRI that is designed to […]

Resources for implementing a gender-sensitive approach to non-custodial sentences

‘Going to prison would have been a big problem as I have lots of people who depend on me.’ ‘My granddaughter, who I take care of, became pregnant when I was in custody and has now left school, and I am blamed for this.’  (Voices of women interviewed within the project). The emotional, social and economic consequences […]

Gender-sensitive community service and probation: Model for Reform

The model for reform documents the overall experiences and findings of a pioneering, multifaceted project that focused on the experiences of women completing non-custodial sentences in Kenya. It lays out 10 key steps to take when replicating the project in an international context, in order to introduce a gender-sensitive approach to non-custodial sentences.

On probation – models of good practice for alternatives to prison

This resource pack aims to provide guidance about how non-custodial sanctions and probation can be established in countries which do not have them and extended in those countries which do. It draws both on the available academic and other literature available, together with PRI’s experience of working with government partners, most recently in Eastern Europe, […]

Ten-point plan on reducing pre-trial detention

High rates of pre‑trial detention can be found on most continents, particularly in low income countries and states emerging from conflict. During 2015, PRI initiated a comparative research study into how bail works as an alternative to pre‑trial detention. The study found that while bail and other options for release pending trial are available in […]

دليل إعداد الموازنة الصديقة للطفل

إن المنظمة الدولية للإصلاح الجنائي ووزارة العدل ومن خلال مشروعها حول تعزيز أنظمة عدالة الأطفال في الأردن الممول من الاتحاد الأروبي قد أجريت تحليلاً لموازنة وزارة العدل وعقدت مجموعة من الفعاليات التدريبية والنقاشية حول مبادئ إعداد الموازنات الموجهة بالأهداف والصديقة للأطفال وطورت من خلال خبرائها هذا الدليل الذي نضعه بين أيدي العاملين في مجال التخطيط […]

Law on a National Preventive Mechanism, Kazakhstan

In July 2013, Kazakhstan passed a new law establishing a National Preventive Mechanism (NPM). Throughout 2011 and 2012, PRI’s Central Asia office was intensively engaged in negotiations to establish an NPM for Kazakhstan, which would fulfil its obligations under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT). PRI’s advocacy and in particular its engagement […]