Resources listing


Women in prison: mental health and well-being – a guide for prison staff

People in prison have a disproportionately high rate of poor mental health, and research shows these rates are even higher for women in prison. While primary care remains the responsibility of healthcare professionals, frontline prison staff play an important role in protecting and addressing mental health needs of women in prison. Penal Reform International (PRI), […]

Languages: English


Input for the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture: “Psychological Torture and Ill-Treatment”

Penal Reform International (PRI) and Dr. Sharon Shalev, Research Associate at the University of Oxford and Independent Consultant at welcome the Special Rapporteur’s call for input for the forthcoming thematic report on “psychological torture and ill-treatment”. This submission highlights the relationship between psychological torture and ill-treatment to solitary confinement. We chose to prioritise solitary […]

Languages: English


2020-2023 Strategy for Penal Reform International

This year PRI is celebrating 30 years of accomplishments in developing and promoting fair and effective criminal justice systems across the world. Today, we set our trajectory for the coming decade, launching our new strategy for 2020-2023.

Languages: English


National Demilitarisation Strategy for Central African Republic / Strategie nationale de démilitarisation des établissements pénitentiaires de la République Centrafricaine

National strategy for the demilitarisation of prison establishments in the Central African Republic, approved by the government and signed by the Prime Minister on 14 January 2019. The strategy has been prepared with the technical assistance of Penal Reform International (PRI) and the Judicial and Penitentiary Affairs Section of the United Nations Integrated Multidimensional Mission […]

Languages: English, French

კანონთან კონფლიქტში მყოფ, ძალადობის, სტიგმისა და დისკრიმინაციის მსხვერპლ ქალთა გენდერ-სპეციფიკური საჭიროებების კვლევა (Research Study on Gender-Specific Needs of Women Victims of Violence, Stigma, and Discrimination in Conflict with the Law)

წინამდებარე კვლევა მომზადებულია „ციხის საერთაშორისო რეფორმის“ სამხრეთ კავკასიის რეგიონული ოფისის მიერ ევროკავშირის და ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატების სახელმწიფო ანტინარკოტიკული და სამართალდამცავ ორგანოებთან თანამშრომლობის ბიუროს (INL) ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით „ქალი მსჯავრდებულებისთვის, რომელთაც განუცდიათ ძალადობა და დისკრიმინაცია, და მათი დაუცველი შვილებისთვის სერვისების მიწოდების გაუმჯობესება“ პროექტის ფარგლებში. აღნიშნული კვლევა მიზნად ისახავდა კანონთან კონფლიქტში მყოფი ქალების, რომლებიც არიან ძალადობის, სტიგმისა და დისკრიმინაციის […]

Languages: English, Georgian

Annual Report

PRI’s Annual Report 2018

PRI’s Annual Report outlines the impact of our work and achievements in 2018 nationally, regionally and internationally. Highlights in 2018 included: Publication of the Global Prison Trends Report 2018, in partnership with the Thai Institute for Justice (our annual flagship publication); PRI significantly increased its work in crisis and conflict or post-conflict settings, through delivery of a penitentiary […]

Languages: English


Guide to the rehabilitation and social reintegration of women prisoners: Implementation of the Bangkok Rules

Women and girls are a minority within prison systems, making up just 6.9 per of the global prison population. As a result, their specific needs and characteristics have tended to remain unacknowledged and unaddressed. Women continue to face particularly acute challenges and barriers in accessing programmes and services in prison, and there are often limited […]

Languages: English


Global Prison Trends 2019

Global Prison Trends 2019 is the fifth edition in PRI’s annual flagship Global Prison Trends series which identifies topical developments and challenges in criminal justice, and prison policy and practice. The report is published in collaboration with the Thailand Institute of Justice, and features a foreword by Cholpon Askerbekovna Omurkanova, Chair of the Public Council of […]

Languages: English


Prison conditions for women facing the death penalty: A factsheet

There are at least 500 women currently on death row around the world. While exact figures are impossible to obtain, it is estimated that over 100 women have been executed in the last 10 years – and potentially hundreds more. Little empirical data exists about the crimes for which women have been sentenced to death, the […]

Languages: Arabic, English, French


Submission to the UN Working Group on discrimination against women in law and in practice

A submission made by Penal Reform International in answer to a call by the United Nations Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice. Input from States and other stakeholders will be used for a thematic report that will be presented to the 41st session of the Human Rights Council in […]

Languages: English