

We want to prevent COVID-19 ‘rampaging through places of detention’

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 reminds us of the very essence of PRI’s existence. At this time, our mission is to ensure that no one is left behind and PRI is working to ensure that prison management, criminal justice authorities and governments around the world are informed, equipped and supported to slow and […]


PRI convenes event at UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs on women and drug policies – implementation of the UN Bangkok Rules

2020 marks ten years since the UN Bangkok Rules on women prisoners and non-custodial measures for women were adopted by the UN General Assembly, which called for alternatives to imprisonment for the case of women, particularly for minor offences. Yet, drug policies continue to disproportionately impact women and female prison populations continue to rise in […]


Working with police, magistrates and lawyers to promote fairer criminal investigations and trials in Uganda

Penal Reform International (PRI) is taking important and effective steps towards preventing ill-treatment and promoting the application of fair and effective criminal investigations and trials of people detained in Uganda. At PRI’s pioneering police training course in November 2019 on investigative interviewing and international human rights standards it was revealed that only two of the participants […]


Civil society mobilisation for penal reform

In Central African Republic, the government adopted a strategy for the demilitarisation of the penitentiary system, at the initiative of Penal Reform International (PRI) and with the support of the United Nations peacekeeping mission (MINUSCA). As part of the implementation of the national strategy for the demilitarization of CAR’s penitentiary system, an important place is […]


Mobilisation de la société civile pour la réforme pénale

En République centrafricaine, le gouvernement a adopté une stratégie nationale de démilitarisation du secteur pénitentiaire, à l’initiative de Penal Reform International (PRI) et avec le soutien de la mission des Nations Unies pour la maintien de la paix (MINUSCA). Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie nationale de démilitarisation des établissements pénitentiaires de […]


Latest news from the Middle East and North Africa

Penal Reform International in the Middle East and North Africa, in partnership with the Penitentiary and Reintegration Administration Algeria, and supported by the British embassy in Algiers, has been delivering capacity building interventions to prison staff on the principles of strategic planning and implementation methodologies. These interventions are part of a broader project funded by […]


Ce sont des enfants – pas des terroristes !

On estime que 4640 enfants sont partis en Irak ou en Syrie, seuls ou avec leurs familles, pour rejoindre l’État islamique (EI) autoproclamé. Depuis la chute du groupe terroriste, un grand nombre d’entre eux vivent dans des camps de déplacés dans des conditions déplorables. Ces enfants ont non seulement été victimes de recrutement ou de […]


Children – not terrorists! Bringing children home from ISIL

An estimated 4640 children travelled to Iraq or Syria, either alone or with their families, to join the so-called Islamic State (ISIL). Since the fall of the terrorist group, many of them live in displacement camps under deplorable conditions. They have not only been victims of recruitment or trafficking, but also witnessed extreme violence and […]


Penal Reform International stands in solidarity with the criminal justice reform community

Penal Reform International wishes to express its sympathy with the criminal justice reform community following the attack on Friday 29 November 2019 at a prisoner rehabilitation event, which led to the deaths of two representatives of a prisoner education programme, Learning Together.  Our hearts go out to Saskia Jones and Jack Merritt’s families and friends, […]


Our ambitions for 2020-2023

This year PRI is celebrating 30 years of accomplishments in developing and promoting fair and effective criminal justice systems across the world. Today, we set our trajectory for the coming decade, launching our new strategy for 2020-2023. The decade we are entering will determine whether the world is able to sustain and promote human rights, […]