
We are 30: Looking forward to the next decade

“It all started with a meeting…” 30 years ago, Vivien Stern, Ahmed Othmani and Hans Tulkens created Penal Reform International. They had in common the belief we still cherish, as stated by Nelson Mandela: “No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails”. In other words, the health of criminal justice […]

Florian Irminger21st November 2019

UN reports mortality rates for people in prison as much as 50 percent higher than wider community

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights published a report in September 2019 on the administration of justice and human rights analysing violence, death, and serious injury in situations of deprivation of liberty. In this blog, Aldyen Krieger, PRI’s Policy Intern, evaluates the primary drivers behind the high exposure to violence and increased mortality […]

Aldyen Krieger18th November 2019

Niñez que Cuenta: La cara invisibilizada de las políticas de drogas y el encarcelamiento

“Mi papá es genial.” ¿Cuál es su nombre? “Bernardo.” Cuéntame un poquito sobre él. ¿Qué te gustaba hacer con él? “A mí me gustaba jugar, a veces me dejaba ir a la callecita [calle de la comunidad], o con mi mamá, y él jugaba conmigo.” ¿Y por qué no juegas más con Bernardo? “Porque está […]

Corina Giacomello and Luciano Cadoni24th September 2019

Childhood that matters: The invisible face of drug policy and incarceration

“My dad is great.” What’s his name? “Bernardo.” Tell me a bit about him. What did you like to do together? “I liked to play. Sometimes he would let me go out to the street [in the neighborhood], or with my mom, or he would play with me.” Why don’t you play with Bernardo anymore? […]

Corina Giacomello and Luciano Cadoni24th September 2019

Elderly life-sentenced prisoners: a forgotten and ‘invisible’ group

In this blog, PRI’s Vicki Prais, looks at the challenges faced by elderly people in prison, sentenced to life imprisonment. Vicki notes that the ‘greying’ of the prison population has seen an upward trend and warrants attention as it is a group that will certainly grow given the rise in life sentences handed down globally. […]

Vicki Prais23rd August 2019

The Flip Side of the Coin

The blog is produced within the framework of the EU-funded project „Monitoring Government’s Commitments and Promoting the Reforms in the Penal Sector through the Engagement of CSOs“ implemented by Penal Reform International together with the partner organizations: Rehabilitation Initiative of Vulnerable Groups and Human Rights Center. At the end of last year, our organization (Penal […]

Elene Gabelaia15th April 2019

მედლის მეორე მხარე

ბლოგი შექმნილია ევროკავშირის მიერ დაფინანსებული პროექტის „სასჯელაღსრულებისა და პრობაციის რეფორმების ხელშეწყობა და მონიტორინგი სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ჩართულობით“ ფარგლებში, რომელსაც ახორციელებს ორგანიზაცია „ციხის საერთაშორისო რეფორმა“ პარტნიორ ორგანიზაციებთან – „ინიციატივა მოწყვლადი ჯგუფების რეაბილიტაციისათვის“ და „ადამიანის უფლებათა ცენტრი“ – ერთად. გასული წლის ბოლოს სახალხო დამცველის პრევენციის ეროვნული მექანიზმის მანდატით, ჩვენი ორგანიზაცია („ციხის საერთაშორისო რეფორმა“) თავის პარტნიორ ორგანიზაცებთან ერთად („ადამიანის […]

ელენე გაბელაია10th April 2019

Combatting the trade and use of weapons and restraints for torture and ill-treatment: a new resource for detention monitors

The UN Nelson Mandela Rules state that ‘the use of chains, irons or other instruments of restraint which are inherently degrading or painful shall be prohibited’. With no global prohibitions on the manufacture, trade and use of torture equipment however, it is highly important that independent monitoring bodies are able to effectively monitor the use of weapons […]

Dr. Abi Dymond10th December 2018

‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’: Breaking the cycle of violence against LGBTI persons in detention

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons in detention – or persons perceived as belonging to this group – are in a situation of particular vulnerability and at risk of human rights violations and abuses, including by fellow detainees, throughout the entire criminal justice system. In this blog, Jean-Sébastien Blanc of the Association for the Prevention […]

Jean-Sébastien Blanc4th December 2018

Detaining ‘Terrorists’: Challenges, solutions and the lessons we’ve learned

Last year, researchers from the Open Society Justice Initiative and Amnesty International published a report that revealed a number of serious human rights violations at special detention units – the Terroristenafdeling – in The Netherlands, which hold people suspected and convicted of terrorism offences. In this expert blog, the report’s authors Jonathan Horowitz and Doutje Lettinga discuss the government’s response and the […]

Jonathan Horowitz and Doutje Lettinga13th November 2018