Elderly life-sentenced prisoners: a forgotten and ‘invisible’ group

Vicki Prais23rd August 2019


Katherin, 17th Dec 2020 at 23:15

I think if the prisoner is 65 or 70 age, and stayed out of trouble in prison, good behavior, they sould get a second chance. Some of them did the crime when they were younger and why, was drugs or alcohol ,depression. There has to be a reason why people do means things. We are not born to do mean things, something happened alone the way to them. Are they getting help, in prison. If more prison give mental help to these prisoners, they wouldn’t be so crowded, most of the prisoners could get a second chance. I know what they did was wrong, but why or what were they going through in there life at the time of their crime. God does create mean, people, we create mean people, the way their raise, or someone got them on drugs or alcohol. I truly believe the people drink do drugs, come from a mess up home. They need mental help to find out why they did what they did. They must have alot of anger inside if them. I know for a fact that when people can’t handle what they went through when they younger, they tried to find something to take away the pain. Like we have, Workaholics alcoholics druggie eating disorder, these are just a few of their way, to handle

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