Prison systems need to acknowledge widespread corruption

John Podmore25th January 2015


Duncan McLaughlan – retired prison governor, Northern Ireland, 07th Feb 2015 at 14:13

May I add to Mr Podmore’s comment “The success or otherwise of prison systems depends primarily on the interactions and the relationships of these two groups of people”, that is the relationship between staff and prisoners. May I suggest that of equal importance is the acceptance of personal accountability by everyone employed in the prison system. Every member of staff – no matter how senior or junior – should attempt to ensure that whatever should happen in a prison does happen and whatever should not happen does not happen. Until all accept that they are personally accountable for the governance of a prison abuse and dishonesty will occur.

Lerato Lengau, 17th Jun 2015 at 20:58

There has to be a paradigm shift on the approach to tackle corruption in prisons, intensify rehabilitation program including proper support and also separate hardcore or habitual criminals from the ones with minor offenses.

The service rendered by prison officials must be really categorized as essential service.

Phillip Johnson, 22nd Dec 2015 at 17:33

I recently been released from prison and I swore to the brothers I left behind that I’ll be the voice they need to help stop this corruption and injustice that goes on behind those walls.Whatever you can imagine goes on behind those walls and the ones who suppose to up hold the law and protect our love ones are the real criminals in this matter.I have many copies of different write ups where inmates write the guards up for misconduct that was denied. If you tried to mail ARP forms out they would be shredded we was even feed once 2 slices of white bread and water.I wrote it up and got a response stating it would be taken care of and nothing never came of it I still have write up and response. Bayou Dorcheat Correctional Center in Minden La is by far the worse place I ever been to and this place needs to be investigated.They even punish you for not going to church I love God but every don’t have the same religion if you Muslim you going to a Christain service are else.Im new to this social media and all but if this comes across someone who can help me and those that can’t help themselves please contact me I save everything just waiting on the right person with a little more knowledge to let me know what I can do to stop this madness behind our prison walls.

Randy, 07th Aug 2017 at 03:00

I helped my son file a complaint 2 weeks ago with the ombudsman. Today when I went to visit my son my name had been removed from the authorised visitors list. .just erased.
You have to play their game or they can make it very difficult on the incarcerated and their families.

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