
Growth – an emerging new philosophy, to transform culture in detention

Figure 1: Principles of Growth Wheel    In this blog written for PRI, the authors Makayla Agyemang and Dr Sarah Lewis from UK-based Penal Reform Solutions, present the “Growth Project” that they have implemented in English prisons to foster rehabilitative relationships between people detained and staff in prison facilities. The project is based on Dr […]

Sarah Lewis, Makayla Agyemang14th February 2024

Мониторинг на насилието над деца в местата за лишаване от свобода – слепи петна в областта на закрилата

Смята се, че повече от 10 000 деца в Европа са задържани по наказателноправни причини. В световен мащаб броят на децата, лишени от свобода в затвори или в места за предварително задържане, варира между 160 000 и 250 000 дневно през 2018 г. Безопасността на тези деца е от първостепенно значение, включително защитата от физическо […]

Silvia Randazzo21st December 2023

Monitorizarea violenței împotriva copiilor aflați în detenție – un punct slab în sistemul de protecție a copilului?

Se estimează că peste 10 000 de copii se află în detenție în Europa din motive legate de justiția penală. La nivel mondial, numărul copiilor din închisori sau din centre de arest preventiv a variat între 160.000 și 250.000 în 2018. Siguranța acestor copii și protecția lor împotriva violenței fizice sau psihice sunt esențiale. În […]

Silvia Randazzo29th November 2023

Monitoring violence against children in detention – a safeguarding blindspot?

A hidden crisis: More than 10,000 children in Europe face the risk of violence in criminal justice-related detention. Explore the alarming global statistics and join expert Silvia Randazzo in a deep dive into research conducted as part of the Data MOSAIC project, shedding light on the safeguarding blindspot of violence against children in detention.

Silvia Randazzo18th November 2023

Nature-based detention houses

In a context of climate crisis and rising costs, prisons, like all institutions, must take action to be more sustainable and minimise impact on the environment. In this blog, Wiep Fokker from Restorative Justice Netherlands makes the case for nature-based detention houses as an ecologically sustainable model for penal reform. The climate and biodiversity crisis […]

Wiep Fokker24th October 2023

The over-penalisation of poverty through fines and fees

In many countries around the world, criminal justice fines disproportionately affect the poorest and most marginalised in society, effectively creating tiered justice systems. In this blog, Jean Galbraith and Rheem Brooks from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School summarise the findings of new research and discuss what international human rights and criminal justice communities […]

Jean Galbraith and Rheem Brooks16th October 2023

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights calls for transformative change in drug policy in ambitious new report

Punitive drug policies are a key driver of criminalisation and imprisonment worldwide, with drug offences accounting for 22% of the global prison population. In this blog, Ann Fordham, Executive Director of the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), considers a groundbreaking report on the human rights impact of the ‘war on drugs’. This article was originally […]

Ann Fordham4th October 2023

Three ways to reduce the number of women in prison in the Americas

In July 2023, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights presented its first ever report detailing the scale and situation of women deprived of liberty in the Americas. In this blog, Coletta Youngers considers its findings and their importance for efforts to reduce women’s incarceration across the region. This article was originally published by WOLA (Washington […]

Coletta Youngers16th August 2023